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Hugh Breakey


Hugh Breakey

Hugh Breakey


Hugh Breakey is a Senior Research Fellow in moral philosophy at Griffith University’s Institute for Ethics, Governance and Law and Law Futures Centre. His research spans the subdisciplines of political theory, normative ethics, moral psychology, governance studies and applied philosophy. Hugh’s works explore the ethical challenges arising in such diverse fields as peacekeeping, institutional governance, climate change, sustainable tourism, private property, professional ethics and international law, published in journals including The Philosophical Quarterly, The Modern Law Review and Political Studies. He has taught philosophy and ethics at several universities, and is the President of the Australian Association of Professional and Applied Ethics.

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The Brisbane Dialogues is the only organization in Australia dedicated entirely to acting on the polarization and toxic discourse undermining democracy, prosperity, and progress.

Donations enable us to support other organizations to have better in-person discussions, especially in lower socioeconomic and regional schools which cost more to service. (Our own event-based operations are self-sustaining, with minimal overheads.)

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